Written by U Ne Oo on 2000-11-06
Dr U Ne Oo
18 Shannon Place
Adelaide SA 5000
6 November 2000.
Mr Kofi Annan
Secretary-General of UN
United Nations Headfi Annan
Secretary-General of UN
United Nations Headquarters
United Nations New York N.Y. 10017
United States of America
Facsimile: (+1-212) 963-4879
Dear Secretary-General:
Re: The resignation of Special Rapporteur for Human Rights in Burma
I am greatly disturbed by the news of Judge Rajsoomer Lallah, the Human Rights Special Rapporteur for Burma, has tendered his resignation citing �the lack of logical and administrative support� from the United Nations. I am particularly concerned that the Special Rapprned that the Special Rapporteur will not be able to make contribution in drafting the resolution on Burma at this 55th Session of United Nations General Assembly. I feel sure that you and High Commissioner Mary Robinson understand the person like Judge Rajsoomer Lallah have the professional standings as well as the competent authority on the situation in Burma. As such, Judge Lallah should be allowed to contribute in drafting the resolution on Burma at this UN General Assembly.
Over the years, the General Assembly has been pembly has been producing resolutions that are thorough and comprehensive on human rights situation in Burma. These Burma resolutions reflect the Assembly�s consistently strong support for democracy in Burma. Such Burma resolutions, precisely, will not need any major alteration. However, the Burma resolution can be spelled out in finer details that may be helpful to improve the situation in Burma. I believe Judge Lallah, to whom the last years� General Assembly has given the mandate, must be allowed to help in drafting Burma resolution this year.
I therefore request the Secretary-General and High Commissioner Mary Robinson not to accept the resignation of Judge Lallah; however allow him to make direct input in the drafting of Burma resolution at this 55th Session of UN General Assembly.
In closing, thank you for your attention to this matter. It is my ardent hope that the Secretariat as well as Commission on Human Rights maintain their integrity in conducting the affairs of Burma.
Yours respectfully and sirma.
Yours respectfully and sincerely
(U Ne Oo)
1. Mary Robinson, High Commissioner for Human Rights, OHCHR-Palias des Nations, 8-14 Ave de la Piax, CH-1211 Geneva 10 Switzerland. Facsimile: (41-22) 917-9016